CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Pacheco Coto Mariamarta Birthplace: San Jose, Costa Rica Telephone: 2240 7916 / 2236 0338 / 6733 8377 mobile electronics Directorate: electronic domain: http:// / member group of 20 artists:, Costa Rica Studies, Collective communication sciences 1973-1977. Incorporated into the Association of Journalists since 1996 began studies in the field of art with different teachers and smisma. Awards 2008 Selected for the Cow Parade in San Jos, Costa Rica. 2000 to year 2007 winner of the contest Costa Rica color with different works of art to be used in the printing of cards. Solo Exhibitions 2010 Costa Rica Country Club. Escaz. Costa Rica. Intervention bottles. La Femme Salon. Alajuela. Costa Rica. 2009 Mantra Restaurant, Barrio Escalante, San Jose. Costa Rica. Alliance French Quarter Amn, San Jose Hotel Punta Leona, Garabito. Puntarenas. 2008 Hotel Alta, Santa Ana 2007 Hotel Costa del Sol, Garabito, Puntarenas. 2006 Hotel BarcelSan JosPalacio. 2006 Castillo del Moro Restaurant, Barrio Amn, San Jose. Group Exhibitions 2010 rescue 2010. Artist's Workshop. Tres Rios. From 2007 to 2010 Meeting of Painters. Plaza del Sol San Jose. Costa Rica. Umbrellas intervention. Concasida. San Jose. Costa Rica. 2009 Embrujarte. Group 20. Escaz Avenue. Costa Rica. University of Costa Rica. CIMAR. Martimo art. San Jose. Costa Rica. Union Club. Jos 20.San group. Costa Rica. Tribute to Bear. National Galley. San Jose. Costa Rica. Gender, light and shadow. Carthaginian Cultural Center. Carthage. Costa Rica. Thumbnails. Restaurant Apettit. Carthage. Costa Rica. Bacchus Restaurant, Santa Ana, San Jose. Costa Rica. Women's Perspectives. Casa Azul. Heredia. Costa Rica. 2009 Rock Group of 20. Hotel Aranjuez. San Jose. Costa Rica, Instituto Cultural de Mexico and the Hotel Corteza Amarilla, San Jos, Costa Rica. Second Biennial of Painting and Sculpture. Water element of life. National Galley. Costa Rica. Embrujarte, Escaz. Chosen for Exhibition Mujheroes 2009, Latin and European artists. Liberia, Guanacaste. 2008 official presentation of the group of 20 artists, Visions Gallery. Escaz. Art fair. Art gallery today. Escaz. From 1998 to 2008 involving all Outdoor Festival, organized by Ulises Galera Escazcomo both the San Pedro. Costa Rica. Love of Life. Cultural Institute of Mexico. San Jos, Costa Rica. Apettit restaurant. Cartago, Costa Rica. International Arts Festival (FIA). San Jos, Costa Rica. Guanacaste Identity Art Festival 2008. Book Playa Conchal, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. 2007 SintercafXXI Grano de Oro Hotel Real Intercontinental. San Jos, Costa Rica. Synthase bienayude to a child. Group Wizo-Hai Sara Rose. Klaus Steinmetz Gallery, Painting Escaz.CR live on montaa2007, Pos Hills, Alajuela. CR 2005 Hotel BarcelSan JosPalacio. Paint shop Senz Irene Castro group. CR Club Punta Leona. First exhibition of paintings. Garabito. Puntarenas. CR 2004 Costa Rica Country Club. Monthly exhibition. Costa Rica. Costa Rica Country Club. Art Bingo. Escaz. San Jose. Costa Rica. 2000 Exhibition with the group paint shop Dora Pacheco. San Pedro. CR 1999 Costa Rica Country Club. Exhibition organized by the Children's Center Alajuelita. CR